Thursday, July 07, 2005

Is File Sharing Technology Dead?

Okay so I get my July 4th issue of Computer World in the mail today. It is one of the few things I don't mind receiving a little technology related junk mail for. In it is an interesting article called Pirate Justice linked here. Essentially it says that the major news outlets miss reported the ruling as a license to sue all file sharing software manufactures, and really I think Frank Hay's option is correct. Most of what I read about it (which I must admit was very little) was to that effect. But what I gathered from listen to the TWiT cast and reading this article, it isn't quite that bad. Basically my understand (and I do plan on reading the options of the justices on my road trip to Philly next week) from what I have read and heard is that if you market file sharing software for the specific purpose of infringing on copyrights then you (as the software company) can be sued. If you market file sharing software for the purpose of trading legitiment content, even though it could be used to trade content illegally, then you are protected under the Sony ruling (Sony couldn't be sued just because the VCR could be used for copywrite infringement ...). I highly recommend the computer world article because it distills everything nicely, although I hope to have my take on the ruling next week after I have a chance to review the three different opinions issued in the case.



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